We offer several ways to pay your fees.
1. You may pay in-person at the first studio class of each month.
2. You may mail a check to the address shown at right.
3. You may pay with a credit card (+ 3% fee) by clicking the link to the right.
Your fees for the 2024-25 year will include the amount shown on your class selection form.
When calculating your initial fee, remember to include the non-refundable registration fee of $25 and the non-refundable recital fee of $25 which must be paid for each child by the date of the first class. The fees for each class are due monthly by the 15th. After the 15th a late fee will be charged.
Payments made after the 15th day of the month must include an additional $10 late fee per parent/guardian.
Mailing Address:
Dance Wells, LLC
P.O. Box 1232
Manning, SC 29102